Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Moving into a bright future.....

I have often heard that "it is not always the destination that is filled with life and adventure but the journey to get to the final destination."  In the past two years of my life, I have found this to be true in what could be considered some of my darkest days.  As I fought inflammatory breast cancer with strength and courage from only God above, I was reminded that, even though this journey is not often easy, it can be a journey filled with love, support and the peace of a bright future.  2014 has definitely been a year of adventure with many lows and highs in my life journey and as I look forward to 2015, I can only anticipate a new journey that brings a future bright with an awakening in creative processes that I have never known before.  Thank you to all my friends, family and clients who have been here for the journey and will continue in the future as my photography moves into new territories and adventures.